自己判断は自己暗示:Self-judgment is self-suggestive



専門家はそれに対し専門性が高いが故に同時に発した言葉に責任を負う。専門家の言葉は重く受け止められるからだ。仮に、多少の不確定要素があったとしても専門家の考えもしくは考え方が優先されることだろう。時に私達は雨漏りに関しては専門家である。だと思う。それは、それなりに経験も積んでいるし勉強もしているからで、雨漏りに関しては建築家や建築士よりもかなり詳しいと自負している。もちろん雨漏りに詳しい建築家の方も多いだろうし雨漏りなどさせたことなどないかもしれない。ただ、建築のプロと言われる建築家や建築士が作った建物から雨漏りが発生していることも紛れも無い事実であるということを冷静に受け止めることも時には必要であろう。 そうは思わない。という気持ちは自己暗示かもしれないのだ。

Many people will find it difficult to convince others to be told something or impose their thoughts. Even if it is the right thing, different ways of implementation will come to mind, and it will not be possible to accept others’ opinions. Conversely, even if the thoughts or ideas are wrong, the ones that come to mind in one’s mind are those that one wants to execute for the time being. You may want to tell people about it. The result is sometimes marital quarrels or discussions at company meetings. If the differences in mindset were between nations, the ultimate might be a war. In these cases, both are usually correct. There is only a difference in what you believe, and that is the right thing for that person. I can’t help because I was taught that way.

Most of the discussions should have been resolved. One or the other may find it better to avoid conflict by compromising or drinking the other party’s terms. Or maybe they are convinced of the other person’s thoughts. If they are convinced, there is a difference in the information on the topic, and the opinion of the person who excels in the amount of information is correct. It’s the time spent working on it, the experience, and the difference in knowledge gained when confronting it. One calls it an expert.

Experts are responsible for the words spoken at the same time because of their high expertise. Expert words are taken too heavily. Even if there are some uncertainties, the ideas or ideas of the experts will take precedence. Sometimes we are experts when it comes to leaks. I think that. I have plenty of experience and studying, so I am confident that I am much more familiar with leaks than architects and architects. Of course there are many architects who are familiar with leaks, and they may never have leaked. However, it is sometimes necessary to calmly accept the fact that leaks are occurring from buildings built by architects and architects who are said to be architectural professionals, and that this is indeed the case. I do not think so. That feeling may be a hint of self.

立ち向かうことで専門性が高まる:Enhancing expertise by confronting





You have to do everything to start. If you do things only with your own guess without doing it, you will never get more knowledge than ever. If there is anything unclear, you must act first to resolve it. As a result, more knowledge is accumulated and will be used next time.

As people get older, their inquisitive feelings seem to diminish. Isn’t that a person who can sustain, for example, a person who reaches the Nobel Prize, is a person whose feelings do not diminish? Aside from the need to stick to it, I guess it’s unavoidable that with aging, the focus on inquiry decreases.

By the way, I went to the ophthalmology yesterday, but that hospital has little stress no matter where you go. He / she answers all these questions and can understand the contents. Also, the flow of such a series of exchanges is good. I suppose that is what hospitals are all about. Because if you come to the clinic and interact with your teacher in such a way as to increase your stress, isn’t it the end of the game?

A doctor who can propose all of the current problems, future actions, methods of solving the problems, and the results of consent, can be said to be worthy of trust. We want to be so.
